Tuesday, January 31, 2017

बसंत पंचमी 2017: इस शुभ मुहूर्त पर ऐसे करें पूजा

भारत में त्यौहारों का देश है और हिन्दु पूरे वर्ष धार्मिक और सामाजिक तरह के त्यौहार मना कर खुशियां मनाते रहते हैं। भारत में कुछ त्यौहार ऐसे भी हैं जो पूरे भारत में मनाए जाते हैं जो किसी एक राज्य तक सीमित नहीं हैं। वहीं बसंत पंचमी का त्यौहार पूरे भारत में मनाया जाने वाला त्यौहार है जिसे श्री पंचमी और सरस्वती पूजा के रूप में मनाया जाता है। इस त्यौहार का अपना सामाजिक महत्व होने के साथ धार्मिक महत्व भी है। इस त्यौहार के नाम से ही जाहिर है यह त्यौहार पूरी तरह देवी सरस्वती को समर्पित है। पूरे भारत में इस दिन को विद्या और बुद्धि की देवी सरस्वती की पूजा की जाती है।

पुराणों में वर्णित एक कथा के अनुसार, भगवान श्रीकृष्ण ने देवी सरस्वती से खुश होकर उन्हें वरदान दिया था कि बसंत पंचमी के दिन तुम्हारी आराधना की जाएगी। वसंत पंचमी को लेकर देश के हर भाग में ही रौनक देखी सकती है। ज्‍यादातर जगह के स्‍कूलों व कॉलेजों के अलावा घरों में भी विद्या की देवी की आराधना की जाती हैं। प्राचीन समय से ही बसंत पचंमी के दिन देवी सरस्वती की पूजा की जाती है। ऐसी मान्यता है कि इस दिन देवी सरस्वती का जन्म हुआ था इसलिए लोग इसे पर्व के रूप में मनाते हैं।

बसंत पंचमी के दिन सुबह स्नान करके मां सरस्वती की पूजा सच्चे मन से करनी चाहिए। इस कई जगहों पर मां सरस्वती की प्रतिमा की स्थापना भी की जाती है और अगर हो सके तो सरस्वती मां की उस पूजा में जरुर हिस्सा ले सकते हैं। सरस्वती मां को विद्या की देवी कहा जाता है जिसपर भी मां सरस्वती की कृपा होती है वह व्यक्ति निश्चित ही विद्यावान होता है। हिन्दू धर्म की मान्यता के अनुसार मां सरस्वती को संगीत की देवी भी कहा जाता है और जो लोग अच्छा गाते है उन्हें अक्सर लोग कहते है उस व्यक्ति के कन्ठ पर माँ सरस्वती स्वय विराजती है। इस बार बसंत पंचमी के मौके पर विधिवत पूजा करे और जानिए पूजा का शुभ मुहूर्त ।

बसंत पंचमी पर मां सरस्वती की पूजा का समय एक फरवरी 2017 को सुबह 03:41 बजे से शुरू होगा।
यह समय रात के 02:20 बजे तक चलेगा।

पूजा का शुभ मुहूर्त सुबह 07:10 बजे से शुरू होगा जो दोपहर 12:40 तक रहेगा।
शुभ मुहूर्त के समय की अवधि 5 घंटे 29 मिनट रहेगी।

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Vasant Panchami

Vasant Panchami is a famous festival that marks the end of the winter season and ushers in the springtime. As 'Diwali' – the festival of light – is to Lakshmi, goddess of wealth and prosperity, and 'Navaratri' is to Durga, goddess of power and valor, Vasant Panchami is to Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge and arts. This festival is celebrated every year on the 5th day or ‘Panchami’ of the bright fortnight of the lunar month of Magha, which falls during January-February, (see calendar). ‘Vasant’ comes from the word ‘spring’ as this festival heralds the beginning of the spring season.
The significance of the day lies in the worship of Goddess Saraswati, symbol of wisdom and also the onset of spring season.

According to the popular belief, the origins of this festival lie in Aryan period. Aryans came and settled in India through Khyber Pass, crossing the Saraswati River among many others. Being a primitive civilization, most of their development took place along the banks of the River Saraswati. Thus, River Saraswati began to be associated with fertility and knowledge. It is then that the day began to be celebrated.

According to mythology, a popular associated with this day is connected with poet Kalidasa. After he was married off to a beautiful princess through trickery, the princess kicked him out of her bed as she learned that he was foolish. Following this, Kalidasa went to commit suicide, upon which Saraswati emerged from the waters and asked him to take a dip there. After taking a dip in the holy waters, Kalidasa became knowledgeable and began writing poetry. Thus, Vasant Panchami is celebrated to venerate Goddess Saraswati, the goddess of education and learning.

In today's times, the festival is celebrated by farmers as the on-coming of the spring season. The day is largely celebrated in Northern Parts of India. Here, people offer food to the Brahmins and organize rituals in the name of Goddess Saraswati.

The color yellow is the predominant color associated with the festival, the origins of which are supposed to be the fields of mustard which can be seen in Punjab and Haryana during this period. Kite flying is also commonly associated with this festival. Children as well as adults fly kites on this day to celebrate freedom and enjoyment. Young girls wear bright yellow dresses and participate in the festivities. The color yellow holds a special meaning for this celebration as it signifies the brilliance of nature and the vibrancy of life. The whole place bursts with yellow during the festival.

People dress in yellow and they offer yellow flowers to others and to the gods and goddesses. They also prepare and feast on a special pastry called kesar halwa or kesar halva, which is made from flour, sugar, nuts, and cardamom powder. This dish also includes saffron strands, which gives it a vibrant yellow color and mild fragrance.  During the Vasant Panchami festival, India’s crop fields are filled with the color yellow, as the yellow mustard flowers bloom at this time of the year. Pens, notebooks, and pencils are placed near the goddess Devi's feet to be blessed before they are used by students.

It is believed that on this day goddess Saraswati was born. The Goddess Sarasvati is the goddess of intellect and learning. She has four hands which symbolize ego, intellect, alertness and the mind. She carries a lotus and scriptures in two of her hands and she plays music on the veena (an instrument similar to a sitar) with her other two hands. She rides on a white swan. Her white dress is a symbol for purity. Her swan signifies that people should have the ability to discern the good from the bad.

The goddess Sarasvati, sitting on a lotus, symbolizes her wisdom.  She is also well-versed in the experience of truth.  When the goddess is seen sitting on a peacock, it is a reminder that a strong ego can be held back by wisdom.

Hindus celebrate Vasant Panchami with great fervor in temples, homes and even schools and colleges. Saraswati’s favorite color white assumes special significance on this day. Statues of the goddess are dressed in white clothes and are worshiped by devotees adorning white garments. Saraswati is offered sweets which are given away as ‘prasad’ to all people attending the ritual worship.

There is also a custom of ancestor worship, known as ‘Pitri-Tarpan’ in many parts of India during Vasant Panchami

The most significant aspect of Vasant Panchami is that it is also the most auspicious day to begin laying one’s foundations of education – of how to read and write. Pre-school children are given their first lesson in reading and writing on this day. All Hindu educational institutions conduct special prayer for Saraswati on this day. It is also a great day to inaugurate training institutes and new schools – a trend made famous by the renowned Indian educationist Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya (1861-1946), who founded the Banaras Hindu University on Vasant Panchami day in 1916.

Here is the text of the popular 'pranam mantra' or Sanskrit prayer, Saraswati devotees utter with utmost devotion on this day:

Om Saraswati Mahabhagey, Vidye Kamala Lochaney |
Viswarupey Vishalakshmi, Vidyam Dehi Namohastutey ||
Jaya Jaya Devi, Charachara Sharey, Kuchayuga Shobhita, Mukta Haarey |
Vina Ranjita, Pustaka Hastey, Bhagavati Bharati Devi Namohastutey ||

Saraswati Vandana: Sanskrit Hymn:

Yaa Kundendu tushaara haaradhavalaa, Yaa shubhravastraavritha|
Yaa veenavara dandamanditakara, Yaa shwetha padmaasana||
Yaa brahmaachyutha shankara prabhritibhir Devaisadaa Vanditha|
Saa Maam Paatu Saraswatee Bhagavatee Nihshesha jaadyaapahaa||
English Translation:

"May Goddess Saraswati,
who is fair like the jasmine-colored moon,
and whose pure white garland is like frosty dew drops;
who is adorned in radiant white attire,
on whose beautiful arm rests the veena,
and whose throne is a white lotus;
who is surrounded and respected by the Gods, protect me.

May you fully remove my lethargy, sluggishness, and ignorance."

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

शनि का राशि परिवर्तन (26 जनवरी 2017)- क्या होगा असर

ज्योतिषशास्त्र के अनुसार किसी भी समय में व्यक्ति, क्षेत्र, देश आदि की परिस्थितियों, घटनाओं पर ग्रहों की दशा, ग्रहों के परिवर्तन का प्रभाव पड़ता है। ग्रहों के उलटफेर के चलते ही व्यक्ति से लेकर देश के जीवन तक में सामान्य से लगने वाले हालात एकदम असामान्य नज़र आने लगते हैं। इस नज़रिये से ग्रहों का राशि परिवर्तन काफी मायने रखता है। ग्रहों में कुछ का परिवर्तन विशेष रूप से मायने रखता है। सूर्य, चंद्रमा, मंगल, बुध और शुक्र इस मामले में बहुत ज्यादा प्रभावी नहीं माने जाते जबकि शनि, राहू-केतु व बृहस्पति का राशि परिवर्तन बहुत अहम माना जाता है। नव वर्ष 2017 में 26 जनवरी को रात्रि 7 बजकर 31 मिनट पर शनि का राशि परिवर्तन होगा। 

वृश्चिक राशि से धनु राशि में प्रवेश करने से मकर राशि के जातकों के लिए शनि की साढ़े साती प्रारम्भ

हो जाएगी । वृश्चिक राशि वाले जातको के लिये यह अंतिम चरण की साढ़े साती होगी तथा तुला राशि

वाले जातक साढ़े साती से मुक्त हो जायेंगे। शनि के धनु राशि मे आते ही कन्या राशि के जातको की

लघु कल्याणि ढ्य्या आरम्भ होगी तथा वृष राशि वाले जातको की अष्ठम शनि की ढ्य्या आरम्भ हो


शनि को भय , रोग , कर्ज , दुख , दरिद्रता ,विपन्नता, असाध्य व लम्बे चलने वाले रोग , आयु , मृत्यु

तथा बुढापे आदि का कारक ग्रह माना गया है ।

2017 वर्ष मे शनि का गोचर बहुत अस्थिर रहेने वाला है क्योकि यह कुछ समय के लिये वक्री हो कर

पुनः वृश्चिक राशि मे आ जायेगा और दोबारा लगभग ऑक्तूबर तक मार्गी होकर धनु राशि मे प्रवेश

करेगा । शनि का गोचर केवल चंद्र राशि से 3,6,11 भावो मे ही शुभ फल देता है इस प्रकार शनि के धनु

राशि मे आने से कुम्भ ,वृष तथा तुला राशि के जातको को शुभ फल मिलने सम्भव है ।

शनि महाराज विभिन्न राशि वाले जातको को विभिन्न प्रकार के फल देंगे :-

मेष राशि- मेष राशि वाले जातको को अपने स्वास्थ्य का विशेष ध्यान रखना चाहिये अन्यथा उन्हे

स्वास्थ्य सम्बंधित समस्यायो का सामना करना पड सकता है । उच्च शिक्षा के क्षेत्र मे समस्याये  आ

सकती है अथवा जातक को कुछ मुश्किलों का सामना करना पड़ सकता है । आपको जीवन के किसी भी

क्षेत्र मे मनचाही सफलता पाने के लिए अधिक परिश्रम और प्रयास करने पड सकते है । जातक को

आर्थिक हानि सम्भव है ,उसके निर्णयो मे कमी होती है , मति भ्रम की स्थिति बनती है ‌तथा सरकार

से भय रहता है । जातक की मित्रो से अनबन होती है, संतान से कष्ट सम्भव है सन्तान की तरफ से

कष्ट प्राप्त होता है तथा भाग्य मे कमी आती है ।

वृष राशि ‌- शनि के धनु राशि मे गोचर के कारण वृष राशि वाले जातको के लिये अष्टम शनि की ढैय्या

आरम्भ हो जाएगी । शनि का यह गोचर विभिन्न प्रकार की कठिनाई लाता है। जातक को आर्थिक

समस्यायो का सामना करना पड़ सकता है। स्वास्थ्य सम्बन्धी समस्याये उत्पन्न हो सकती है कोई लम्बी

चलने वाली असाध्य बिमारी सम्भव है । यदि आप पहले से ही किसी रोग जैसे ह्रदय रोग आदि से

पीडित है तो विशेषरूप से सावधान रहने की आवश्यकता है । जातक को यात्रायो मे साव्धानी बरतनी

चाहिये ।  दुर्घटना आदि सम्भव हो सकती है अतः जातक को व्यर्थ की यात्राओ से बचना चाहिये ।

जातक की रुचि गूढ ज्ञान की तरफ हो सकती है । पारिवारिक सुख में कमी आती है व्यर्थ के मतभेद

उत्पन्न हो सकते है भाग्य मे भी कमी होती है । नौकरी आदि के क्षेत्र मे कुछ समस्यायो के साथ प्रगती

हो सकती है ।प्रेम सम्बंधो मे कमी होति है, संतान से वैचारिक मतभेद सम्भव है।जातक को चाहिये कि

किसी भी प्रकार के महत्व्पूर्ण निर्ण्य इस समय मे नही ले ।

मिथुन राशि – मिथुन राशि वाले जातको के लिये शनि का गोचर उनके जीवनसाथी के लिये स्वास्थ

समस्याये ले कर आयेगा ।पति ‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌पत्नि के बीच वैचारिक मतभेद भी सम्भव है । स्वय

जातक को यात्राओ मे कष्ट होता है तथा शत्रुओ से समस्याये सम्भव है । जातक की कार्यक्षमता मे वृधि

सम्भव है अतः किसी भी कार्य अथवा योजना को अत्यधिक उत्साह मे आ कर आरम्भ नही करे । यह

समय जातक के कर्मो के फल मिलने का समय है अतः शुभ कर्म करे तथा धर्म व न्याय का साथ दे

नही तो समाज मे बद्नामी सम्भव है । धन – सम्पत्ति ,जमीन- जायदाद आदि से सम्बंधित निर्ण्य सोच-

समझ कर ले ।

कर्क राशि – कर्क राशि के जातको के लिये शनि छटे भाव मे गोचर करेगा । चंद्र राशि से शनि का गोचर

छटे भाव मे शुभ फल देने वाला कहा जाता है । जातक की आयु मे वृधि होती है । उसका गूढ ज्ञान

एवम परा विढ्या मे भी रुचि बढती है । जातक की रुचि यात्राओ मे होती है । जातक के नौकरी से

सम्बंधित कार्यो मे प्रगति होती है । पराक्रम मे वृधि होती है । वह अपने शत्रुओ पर विजय प्राप्त करता

है ।

सिंह राशि ‌- सिंह राशि वाले जातको के लिये शनि का गोचर उनके पंचम भाव मे होगा ।इस स्थिति मे

जातक की बुधि भ्रमित रहती है , निर्णयो मे कमी आती है । धन का नाश होता है । जातक के परिवार

से वैचारिक मतभेद हो सकते है । जातक के मित्रो और प्रियजनो को कष्ट होना सम्भव होता है । अपनी

वाणी को संयम मे रखें तथा झूट बोलने से बचें । संतान सम्बंधित फैसले सोच- समझ कर लें । जातक

व्यापार या विवाह से सम्बंधित कोइ महत्व्पूर्ण फैसला कर सकता है ।

कन्या राशि – कन्या राशि वाले जातको के लिये शनि चतुर्थ भाव मे गोचर करेगा अर्थात कन्या राशि

वालो की लघु कल्याणि ढैय्या आरम्भ हो जायेगी । यदि जातक का पहले से ही कोई पारिवारिक भूमि

सम्पत्ति का मामला कोर्ट में चल रहा है तो उसके बढ़ने की सम्भावना है । जातक के शत्रुओ मे भी वृधि

होती है । वाहन आदि सावधानी से चलायें अन्यथा दुर्घटना हो सकती है । साथ ही स्थान परिवर्तन और

कार्य –व्यवसाय मे भी परिवर्तन हो सकता है । जातक को अपने स्वास्थ्य व अपनी माता के स्वास्थ्य

का ध्यान रखना चाहिये । आपको भूमि- सम्पत्ति से जुढे‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌ फैसले सोच- समझ कर लेने चाहिये ।

तुला राशि ‌- तुला राशि वाले जातको के लिये शनि का गोचर तीसरे भाव मे होगा ।चंद्र राशि से तीसरे

भाव मे शनि का गोचर शुभ फल देने वाला होता है । परन्तु यदि आप सम्पत्ति बेचना चाहते है तो किसी

प्रकार का फायदा नहीं होने की उम्मीद है । जातक को संतान की प्राप्ति होती है, विढ्या की प्राप्ति होती

है , उसका भाग्य प्रबल होता है । जातक लम्बी दूरी की तथा कम दूरी की दोनों प्रकार की यात्राये तथा

विदेश यात्राये करता है । जातक का अपने छोटे भाई – बहनों से लगाव बढ‌ जाता है । दूर-संचार के

माध्यम से कोई शुभ सूचना प्राप्त होती है ।

वृश्चिक राशि ‌- वृश्चिक राशि के जातकों के लिये शनि का गोचर धनु राशि मे द्वितिय भाव मे होगा

। यह इनके लिये उतरती हुई साढ़े साती होगी । जातक के अपने छोटे भाई- बहनों से मतभेद रहेंगे तथा

जातक अपने मित्रजनों व् प्रियजनो के साथ अन्याय करता है ।उसके अपने कुटुम्ब से वैचारिक मतभेद

की स्थिति बनती है । जातक को धन संचय मे कठिनाई आती है । माता के स्वास्थय पर भी विपरीत

प्रभाव देखने को मिलता है । इस समय जातक किसी प्रकार की कोई लम्बी investment नहीं करे तो

अच्छा है । जातक को अनयास ही अपने कार्यों मे बाधायें व समस्यायें उत्पन्न हो जाती है । इस समय

जातक को अपनी वाणी पर सयम रखना चाहिये ।

धनु राशि – धनु राशि वाले जातकों के लिये यह दूसरे चरण की साढ़े साती है । अग्नि तत्व होने के

कारण इस राशि के जातकों को साढ़े साती ज्यादा परेशानी देने वाली होती है । इस समय जातक अपने

काम में अत्यधिक व्यस्त होने के कारण परिवार से दूर हो जाता है ,जिस कारण कुटुम्ब को समय नही

दे पाता । जीवनसाथी से अनबन होती है । जातक को कार्य के नये- नये अवसर प्राप्त होते हैं। जातक

के स्वास्थ्य में कमी आती है तथा मानसिक चिंतायें बड़ जाती है । जातक को कार्य के सिलसिले मे

यात्रायें करनी पड्ती है ।

मकर राशि –मकर राशि वाले जातकों के लिये यह प्रथम चरण की साढ़े साती होगी । यह शनि का ही

लग्न है, परंतु चंद्र्मा से व्यय भाव में शनि का गोचर शुभ फल नही देता । जातक के रोग , शत्रु और

ऋण आदि की स्थिति मे वृधि होती है । जातक के व्यय अधिक होते है और धन का संचय कम होता है

। दुर्घटना की भी सम्भावना बनती है । जातक के पैरों मे चोट लग सकती है । भाग्य मे कमी आती है

,पिता को समस्यायें आती हैं । जातक को मानसिक कष्ट बड़ जाते है । व्यर्थ की लम्बी दूरी की यात्रायें

करनी पड़्ती हैं ।

कुम्भ राशि- कुम्भ राशि के जातकों के लिये शनि महाराज का गोचर एकादश भाव में हो रहा है जो

आपके लिये लाभ की स्थिति बनाता है । जातक की किसी कार्य विशेष के लिये की गयी विदेश यात्रा

शुभफलदायक होगी परंतु जातक के अपनी संतान से वैचारिक मतभेद हो सकते है । इस समय आप

अपनी संतान के विषय में जो भी निर्ण्य लेंगे वह शुभ हो सकते हैं । विढ्यर्थियो के लिये लिये यह शुभ

समय है । जातक को मान- सम्मान की प्राप्ति होती है । जातक को अचानक लाभ की सी स्थिति बनती

है । आपकी रुचि गुप्त विढ्या की ओर हो सकती है तथा आपको पैतृक सम्पत्ति से भी लाभ प्राप्त होता

है ।

मीन राशि- मीन राशि के जातकों के लिये शनि का गोचर दशम भाव मे होगा जो जातक के कर्म मे

परिवर्तन बताता है । यदि जातक कर्म /व्यवसाय से सम्बंधित विदेश यात्रायें करता है तो उसे शुभ फलों

की प्राप्ति होती है । आपका विदेश से सम्बंध बनता है । परंतु इस समय जातक को चहिये कि अपने

पैसे कहीं ना फसायें अर्थात कोई investment ना करे । किसी प्रकार की भूमि – सम्पत्ति का क्रय –विक्रय

नही करें । जातक के घर के सुखों मे कमी आती है ,माता व पिता के सुखों मे कमी आती है । जातक

के पारिवारिक सम्बंधों मे भी कमी आती है । जीवनसाथी के स्वास्थय में कमी आती है अथवा उससे

मतभेद की स्थिति बनती है ।

जब भी जीवन में शनि की दशा हो या शनि अगोच्रस्थ हो तो  सुन्दर काण्ड का पाठ.हनुमान और

शनि चालिसा का पाठ, दशरथ कृत शनि स्त्रोत्र का पाठ ,शनि मन्दिर मे पूजन दान,तिल, सरसो तेल

से शिवलिगँ  का अभिषेक , महामृत्युन्जय जप ,शनि के मँत्र का जप,माँ काली ,कालरात्री की

पूजा,कुता , कोऑ, कबुतर, चीटीँ और  गाय को नियमित भोजन दे ,श्री कृष्ण की पूजन , ,अमावस्या

की पूजा की पूजा दान,छाता या जूते  का दान करना इनमें से कोई भी उपाय नियमित रूप से करने

से शनि के अशुभ प्रभावो में कमी आती है ।

Friday, January 20, 2017

Saint Maanikkavaachagar

Manikkavaachagar (often called ‘Manivaachagar’) was born in the village of Thiruvaadhavur (near Madurai) in Tamil Nadu around the 9th century A.D. He was bestowed this name for his gem-like words and captivating devotional verses. He served for a while as the minister to the Pandiyan King "Arimarthana Pandiyan". He was an efficient administrator but his heart was not in the affairs of the world and was focused on obtaining Lord Shiva’s grace only. He thus incurred the king’s anger on many occassions. Lord Shiva saved him from the wrath of the Pandiyan king on several occassions. It was on Manikkavaachagar’s behalf that Shiva unleashed flood in the Vaigai river when Manikkavachagar was punished by king Arimarthana Pandiyan and made to stand in the dry sands of Vaigai in the hot sun.

Later, Shiva visited Madurai again to correct flood damage to the city. He chose to help an old woman by name Vanthi who had none to assist her to seal the river banks to stop future flooding  (The king had ordered every householder to assist in this task). Lord Shiva took the form of a coolie laborer to help her and was whipped by the king Arimarthana Pandiyan for not working and idling casually! This famous incident is celebrated every year as the “Bittukku mann sumandha leelai’ (Manual labor in exchange for a sweet riceflour cake) on the Moolam star of the Aavani month (Shravan) (i.e., mid-august to mid-September). The whipping on Lord Shiva was felt by all people of the whole city just to reinforce faith in the city that Lord Shiva is everywhere and in every one’s heart. It also showed how much Shiva loved Manikkavachagar so as to endure this whipping. It was also a lesson to the king that Lord Shiva is the real master and ever present in all citizens’ souls and showed the king that he was merely human. This lesson was needed – as kings often became tyrants and used to harass devotees who lived a life with only God as their supreme master and not the king.

In a second incident, Lord Shiva transformed a set of jackals into attractive horses temporarily to save Manikkavaachagar from his imprisonment. It showed the extent that Lord Shiva was ready to influence Nature (temporarily, at least) to release His beloved devotee from jail by temporarily satisfying the king’s demand for horses through this event – celebrated as ‘Nariyai Pari Aakiya Leelai’ ( i.e., ‘Transformation of Jackals into Horses’). This was probably also to transform the king himself into His devotee later – by showing him that wealth and form were mere illusions.

Manikkavaachagar was not one of the sixty-three Nayanmars (the group of Shaivite saint devotees whose lives were spent serving Lord Shiva and who lived in Tamil Nadu). But he holds a unique place in the Shaivite world and occupies a place very adjacent to Lord Shiva and Devi Parvati. His work ‘Thiruvaachagam’ holds a special value in the world even today after a thousand years. The section in it called ‘Shivapuraanam’ is a well-recited work read devotedly even today around the globe. It is often said that if one’s heart  cannot melt on reciting Thiruvaachagam, it will not melt for anything else.

Manikkavachagar also played a vital role in defeating the Buddhists and in removing Buddhism that was strongly influencing Tamil Nadu at that time. This tells us that the Lord was and still is indeed aware of political and religious changes prevalent all around threatening Shaivism or even the fundamental undoubted belief in Gods.

In the end, in order to ensure that Manikkavachagar’s work was not lost for ever to humanity, Lord Shiva Himself assumed the guise of a Brahmana scholar and by His Own Hands, wrote all verses of Thiruvaachagam as Manikkavachagar recited it to Him at Chidambaram. Soon after this, Manikkavaachagar was absorbed into the effulgent flames with Lord Shiva inside the Chidambaram Natarajar temple.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

मंगल का गोचर

मेष राशि
मेष राशि के जातकों के लिए यह गोचर बेहद अशुभ होगा। अपने प्रिय मित्र, ऑफिस के किसी नजदीकी सहकर्मी या किसी भी खास व्यक्ति से धोखा मिल सकता है। रिश्तेदारों से भी धन के मामले में बचकर रहें। गोचर के दौरान धन तो आपके पास आएगा, किंतु नुकसान अधिक हो सकता है। स्वास्थ्य का पूरा-पूरा ख्याल रखें।
वृष राशि
वृष राशि के वे जातक जो जॉब करते हैं या साझेदारी का व्यापार करते हैं, उन्हें अपने साथी से बचकर रहना चाहिए। नौकरी में आपकी तरक्की को देखते हुए काफी लोग आपसे ईर्ष्या करने लगेंगे। परिवार के किसी सदस्यों को सास एवं फेफड़ों संबंधी दिक्कत पैदा हो सकती है।
मिथुन राशि
मंगल और कुंभ के साथ आने से यह योग आपको ‘लालची’ बनाएगा। आप गलत तरीके से पैसा कमाने की सोचेंगे। किंतु जितना संभव हो इस सोच से बचें, क्योंकि यह आपको भारी संकट में डाल सकती है। गोचर के दौरान भाग्य आपके विरुद्ध रहेगा।
कर्क राशि
मंगल के गोचर का सबसे अधिक नुकसान यदि किसी को होगा तो वे हैं कर्क राशि के जातक। मंगल-केतु की युति आपके अष्टम भाव में हो रही है, यह आपके लिए नुकसानदायक है। यदि आपकी कुंडली में पहले से ही मंगल या केतु की दशा चल रही है, तो तुरंत राहत के लिए किसी ज्योतिषी से संपर्क करें। अन्यथा आपको दुर्घटना, पैसे का नुकसान, आदि झेलना पड़ सकता है।
सिंह राशि
मंगल का यह गोचर सिंह राशि के जातकों के सप्तम भाव को नुकसान पहुंचाएगा। यह भाव वैवाहिक जीवन को दर्शाता है, तो जाहिर है कि गोचर के दौरान शादीशुदा जीवन पर बुरा प्रभाव होगा। साथ ही यह भाव साझेदारी का भी होता है, तो यदि आप साझेदारी के साथ व्यापार करते हैं तो जरा संभलकर चलें। गुप्त रोग, शादी से बाहर शारीरिक संबंध, आदि भी संभव है।
कन्या राशि
कन्या राशि के जातकों के लिए मंगल ग्रह एक शत्रु ग्रह माना गया है। यह किसी भी स्थिति में इन्हें लाभ देने वाला नहीं होता। और अब केतु के साथ इस ग्रह की युति कन्या राशि के जातकों को बड़े संकट में डाल सकती है। स्वास्थ्य का सबसे अधिक ध्यान रखें, परिवार पर संकट आ सकता है। आर्थिक क्षति से भी बचें।
तुला राशि
मंगल का कुंभ में गोचर एवं साथ ही केतु के साथ योग बनाना, तुला राशि के जातकों के प्रम संबंधों पर वार करेगा। जिन जातकों की कुंडली में मंगल शुभ स्थिति पर है, उन्हें केवल रिश्ते में मनमुटाव झेलना पड़ेगा। लेकिन यदि मंगल की दशा चल रही है, तो यह गोचर रिश्ता तोड़ भी सकता है। इसलिए हर फैसला सोच समझकर ही लें।
वृश्चिक राशि
मंगल कुंभ में गोचर करके वृश्चिक राशि के जातकों के चतुर्थ भाव को प्रभावित करेगा। जिसके फलस्वरूप आपको आर्थिक एवं कोर्ट-कचहरी के मामलों में हानि होगी। साथ ही परिवार के सदस्यों को या स्वयं आपको भी श्वास संबंधी दिक्कतें हो सकती हैं।
धनु राशि
कॅरियर में नुकसान हो सकता है, प्रमोशन मिलते-मिलते रुक भी सकता है, ऐसी संभावना बनी हुई है। कोई अपना ही आपको नुकसान पहुंचाएगा, इसलिए हर पल सतर्क रहें। हर पल प्रयास करते रहें, तभी आपको सफलता मिलेगी।
मकर राशि
अब बात करते हैं मकर राशि की है, मंगल का गोचर अभी तक सभी राशियों के लिए नुकसान वाला ही सिद्ध हो रहा है, किंतु यह एक ऐसी राशि है जो मंगल के गोचर से लाभ पाने वाली है।
कुंभ राशि
मंगल का गोचर कुंभ राशि के लग्न भाव में होगा, जो कि मनबुद्धि का भाव है। इसी भाव में मंगल-केतु की युति होना स्वास्थ्य एवं स्वभाव दोनों में बड-आ बदलाव लाएगा। किस्मत आपका साथ नहीं देगी। इसलिए यह सलाह है कि 30 जनवरी तक किसी भी बड़े निवेश की ओर रुख ना करें तो बेहतर होगा।
मीन राशि
यदि आपकी राशि मीन है तो यह गोचर आपकी ‘नींद’ में खलल डालेगा। आपको अनिद्रा जैसी परेशानी हो सकती है। लेकिन अगर नींद आ भी गई तो डरावने सपने आएंगे। सपने में भूत-प्रेत, भयावह जानवर, किसी का कत्ल होते हुए देखना, इत्यादि दृश्य दिखेंगे। लेकिन घबराएं बिलकुल नहीं, ये सपने आपके असल जीवन पर अधिक प्रभाव नहीं डालेंगे।

Kurma Avatar of Lord Vishnu

In Hinduism, Kurma is the second Avatar of Vishnu, succeeding Matsya and preceding Varaha. Like Matsya, this incarnation also occurred in Satya Yuga. Purana scripture indicates that the sage Durvasa had given a garland to Indra, the king of Devtas. Indra placed the garland around his elephant, but the animal trampled it, insulting the sage. Durvasa then cursed the Devtas to lose their immortality, strength, and divine powers.

In the aftermath of a curse by Sage Durvasa, Devas and and their king, INDRA, had become inglorious and powerless. It was as though they had been abandoned by Gods. They remained engulfed in darkness.

Their eternal foes, ASURAS, were quick to seize the opportunity and conquer the emaciated Devas. Indra was dethroned and driven out along with his subjects. Feeling helpless and utterly humiliated, they went to BRAHMA, the Creator, and sought his help, explaining their predicament. Brahma took them to the abode of VISHNU, since it is the latter who preserves the order of the universe. Indra and Devas surrendered to VISHNU and prayed for their redemption.

Lord VISHNU told them that the only way out for them was to secure the NECTAR of IMMORTALITY: and for that, they would have to strive immensely and (a) cast all kinds of plants, herbs, grassed and creepers into the Ocean of Milk, and (b) churn the ocean using Mount MANDARA as a churn-staff and VASUKI, the king of the serpents, as the rope for turning it. But how to shift the Mount, was the big question. VISHNU suggested that they make peace with their cousins and enemies and enlist their cooperation and help, and achieve their purpose. At the same time HE cautioned them not to covet any of the things that come out of the ocean and not to get angry even if those things were forcibly taken posession of by the ASURAS. HE assured them, however, that he would see to it that the ASURAS did not enjoy any portion of the NECTAR, no matter how much they toiled.

While BRAHMA returned to his own abode, INDRA and the Devas made their journey to the court of Bali, king of the ASURAS. On seeing INDRA and the Devas approaching them, King Bali's followers were furious and about to attack and capture them. However, Bali counselled patience suggesting that they might after all be coming with a proposal which might benefit the Asuras as well. Accordingly, King Bali received Indra and the Devas with due honours. INDRA told the King why they had come to him and requested him to extend his help for the venture from which all of them could benefit.

Bali and his Chiefs agreed to the proposal. Asuras and Devas made peace between themselves. Indra and Bali rallied their forces and began the task of lifting Mount Mandara. Uprooting the mount, they set out carrying it to the seashore. Even before they had carried it halfway, the forces found themselves unable to carry it any longer; and soon the mount came crashing on them. Large numbers of Devas and Asuras lay dead under it. Indra was heartbroken. While he was still thinking of appealing to Lord Vishnu, God appeared on the spot on his Vahana - Garuda - and by His mere glance revived the dead; and placing Mount Mandara on Garuda's back, He flew to the seashore, where the Devas and Asuras too followed. After the mount was safely brought down, Lord Vishnu asked Garuda to withdraw from the scene, lest VASUKI should keep himself away for fear of his natural enemy ( Garuda ). When he saw that Garuda was no longer there, VASUKI, arrived on the scene obeying the summons of VISHNU. The Lord assured the Serpent King that he too would get a share of the Nectar and that the rugged surface of the mount would not hurt him. Vasuki, in tune with his role, allowed himself to be wound around MANDARA as the churning rope.
Devas and Asuras were very joyous and began churning the ocean with Mandara and Vasuki in place. But their joy was shortlived. Mount Mandara had no support and so sank into the ocean within a shortwhile. The mightiest of Devas and Asuras could not hold it.

There was only one who could do it and it was Lord Vishnu. Assuming the form of a huge Tortoise(KURMA), the Lord plunged into the ocean and came up with the mountain on his back. The Lord had come to their rescue again. The Devas and Asuras lost no time to get back to their job of churning. However much they churned nothing came out of their efforts. They became weary and depressed. Lord intervened once more and did the churning too.

With the churning in full steam, the concentrate of the impurities of the ocean threw up the deadly poison, HALAHALA. The poisonous fumes choked the Devas and Asuras. Not knowing what to do, Devas ran to Lord SHIVA collected it in his palm and swallowed it. As soon as the poison was removed, the Devas and Asuras resumed churning. As they churned and churned many precious things came to the surface but not the Nectar.

Suddenly a being emerged with a jar in his arms. It was Dhanwantari with the jar of the nectar of IMMORTALLITY. The Asuras were quick to surmise that it was Nectar in the jar. They rushed towards Dhanwantari and snatched the jar from him and started quarrelling for getting the Nectar first.

Devas watched the Asuras each one of whom was trying to grab the nectar for himself before everyone else. They were annoyed but kept their cool remembering the Lord's warning that they should not covet any precious thing coming out of the ocean or become angry over anything. Lord Vishnu appeared before them and approved their conduct and told them that He will charm the Asuras with the powers and secure the nectar from them.

The Asuras already stood divided over partaking the Nectar. They now noticed a woman, who was the most beautiful that they had ever seen, approaching them. They were all struck by the dazzling beauty of the woman and they turned to enjoying the unrivalled beauty of the form, the limbs, the features and what not, of this enchanting figure. They didn't however know that it was none other than Lord Vishnu who had descended before them in that bewitching form, in the form of MOHINI and He had a purpose in assuming the form.

In a state of infatuation, the Asuras gifted the Jar of Nectar to this beautiful woman and prayed to her to distribute it among them and bring peace and amity among themselves. Mohini condescended to do it but on condition that they would not question her actions, whatever they might be. The Asuras, not knowing who she was and totally under the spell of her charm, readily agreed to her condition. "Go bathe and assemble yourselves in one row with your cousins, the Devas in another row." ordered Mohini. When they were all assembled in two separate rows, Mohini began serving the Nectar to the Devas first. The Asuras were uneasy but chose to keep quiet as they had promised not to question her actions. By the time the last of the Devas in their row had been served, Mohini had made sure that there was no Nectar left to be served to the Asuras. Nectar of immortality would only cause untold harm and destruction, if granted to aggressive and unscrupulous beings like the Asuras.

Then to the amazement of Asuras, Lord Vishnu assumed his own form and the Asuras realised that it was Vishnu who had appeared before them as Mohini. They demanded of Vishnu their share of Nectar; but they got only a smile from him in return. Mounting GARUDA, Lord Vishnu flew away from them.

The Asuras felt cheated and immediately started attacking the Devas. With God on their side and with the Nectar inside, the Devas had regained their original splendour and strength and they were able to conquer the Asuras, who had to flee before the might of Devas. On the advice of Lord BRAHMA, conveyed through Sage Narada, INDRA called off the hostilities and returned to his realms with the Devas.
The Lord thus did revive and restore the lost glory of those who were righteous and who sought refuge in him; and subdue those who were aggressive an unrighteous and who didn't repose faith in him.

There are three temples dedicated to this incarnation of Vishnu in India: Kurmai of Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh, Sri Kurmam in Srikakulam District of Andhra Pradesh, and Gavirangapur in the Chitradurg District of Karnataka. The name of the village Kurmai mentioned above originated as there is historical temple of Kurma Varadarajaswamy (Kurmavatar of Lord Vishnu), god in this village. The temple located in Srikurmam in Srikakulam District, Andhra Pradesh, is also the Avatar of Kurma.

This particular austerity is dedicated to the worship of lord Kurma- the incarnation of lord Vishnu. It is celebrated on the twelfth day of the bright half of the Hindu month 'pausha'. The austerity which commences on the tenth day itself when a devotee is supposed to purify himself by taking a holy bath. On the following day he observes a fast and worships lord Kurma with appropriate rituals. He breaks his fast on dwadashi which marks the conclusion of the austerity. A devotee who observes a fast on this auspicious day becomes absolved of all his sins and attains salvation.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

फेंग शुई में ऊँट

फेंग शुई वास्तु शास्त्र की तरह ही नकारात्मक ऊर्जा को खत्म कर, हमें सकारात्मक वातावरण प्रदान करने का काम करता है। वर्षों से लोग फेंग शुई के उपायों को अपने जीवन को सरल बनाने के लिए इस्तेमाल कर रहे हैं। जैसे-जैसे भारत में फेंग शुई का ज्ञान बढ़ रहा है, उसी के साथ यहां फेंग शुई के सामान का बाजार भी बढ़ता जा रहा है। इन्हीं चीजों के उपयोग से लोग अपनी समस्याओं का हल पाते हैं।

फेंग शुई में ‘ऊंट’ एक ऐसा प्रोडक्ट है जो काम में तरक्की लाने में सहायक माना गया है। फेंग शुई के अनुसार ऊंट नौकरी, व्यावसायिक एवं आर्थिक बाधाओं को दूर करने में सहायक होता है।

फेंगशुई के अनुसार ऊंट की मूर्ति को ऑफिस और घर दोनों ही जगहों पर रखा जा सकता है। ऐसा बिलकुल नहीं है कि आप केवल ऑफिस में इसे रखें, आप घर पर रखकर भी इसका लाभ पा सकते हैं। फेंग शुई की मानें तो ऊंट को ऑफिस में रखने से प्रगति की राह में आने वाली सभी बाधाएं धीरे-धीरे दूर हो जाती हैं। जिनकी नौकरी अथवा व्यवसाय में सब कुछ सामान्य चल रहा है, उन्हें परेशानियों एवं विरोधियों के प्रभाव से बचने के लिए अपने ऑफिस में ऊंट रखना चाहिए। लेकिन यदि आप घर में ऊंट की मूर्ति रखें, तो ये कुछ अतिरिक्त लाभ भी देती है। फेंग शुई के अनुसार घर में ऊंट की मूर्ति रखने से आर्थिक स्थिति सामान्य रहती है। धन संबंधी समस्याओं में कमी आती है। लेकिन अगर ऊंट को जोड़े में रखा जाए तो धन का आगमन भी तेज होता है और आर्थिक स्थिति उन्नत होती है। फेंगशुई के अनुसार ऊंट का सकारात्मक प्रभाव तभी प्राप्त होता है जब इसे उत्तर पश्चिम दिशा में रखा जाए। फेंगशुई में ऊंट को लेकर ऐसी मान्यता इसलिए है क्योंकि ऊंट दृढता और संघर्ष का प्रतीक है। मरुभूमि में मनुष्य को एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान तक ले जाने के अलावा यह छाया और दूसरी अन्य चीजों से मनुष्य की सहायता करता है। मरूभूमि की कठिन राहों में यह एक कुशल मार्गदर्शक का भी काम करता है। इसलिए फेंगशुई में माना जाता है कि ऊंट की मूर्ति और तस्वीर जीवन की कठिनाइयों को भी पार लगाने में सहायक होता है। इसलिए यदि आप इस मूर्ति को अपने पास रखेंगे तो यह आपको हर तरह की कठिनाई से लड़ने की ताकत प्रदान करेगी।

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Makar Sankranti

Makar Sankranti is the day from which the northward movement of the sun begins. The period from Karka Sankranti(the passage of the sun into the zodiac sign of Cancer) to Makar Sankranti is called the dakshinayan. As per given in Hindu scriptures, A person who dies in the dakshinayan period has a greater chance of going to Yamalok (southward region), than one who dies during uttarayan (northward revolution).

Makar Sankranti’s importance from the point of view of spiritual practice: On the day of Makar Sankranti, from sunrise to sunset, the environment has more chaitanya (Divine conscious-ness); hence those doing spiritual practice can benefit from this chaitanya.

Makar Sankranti festival, unlike other Hindu festivals, is not dependent on the position of the moon, but on position of the sun. On this day, the sun enters the zodiac sign of Capricorn. To compensate for the difference that occurs due to the revolution around the sun, sometimes the day of Sankranti is postponed by one day. In the present period Makar Sankranti falls on 15th January. S`ankranti is considered a Deity. According to a legend Sankranti killed a demon named Sankarasur. The day followed by Makar Sankrant is called Kinkrant or Karidin. On this day, the female deity (devi) slayed the demon Kinkarasur.

Methods of celebration of Makar Sankranti

Benefit of highest merit acquired by a Holy dip on the day of Makar Sankranti-

The time from sunrise to sunset on Makar-Sankrantiis auspicious. A Holy dip during this period carries special significance. Those who take a Holy dip in the rivers Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari, Krushna and Kaveri at the Holy places situated on the banks of these rivers acquire the highest merit.

Makar Sankranti Offering

Importance of making an offering during an auspicious period: The period from Makar Sankranti to Rathsaptami is an auspicious period. Any donation and meritorious deeds in this period prove more fruitful.
Substances offered on Makar Sankranti
An offering of new vessels, clothing, food, sesame seeds, pot of sesame seeds, jaggery, a cow, a horse, gold or land should be made depending on the capability. On this day, married women also make some offering. They take things from unmarried girls and give them sesame seeds and jaggery in return. Married women organise a ceremony of haldi-kumkum (applying vermilion and turmeric to the forehead) and gift articles to other married women.

Importance of haldi-kumkum ceremony performed by married women on Makar Sankranti : Performing haldi-kumkum (Turmeric powder and vermilion) ceremony is in a way invoking the waves of dormant Adi-shakti in the Universe to get activated. This helps in creating impression of Sagun (Materialised) devotion on the mind of an individual and enhances his bhav (Spiritual emotion) unto God.

Steps in haldi-kumkum ceremony
1. Applying haldi-kumkum : Applying haldi-kumkum to a suvasini (A married woman whose husband is alive) activates the dormant Principle of Sri Durgadevi in her and bestows well-being to the applier suvasini.
2. Applying perfume : Fragrant particles emitting from the perfume please the Principle of the Deity and bestow well-being to the applier suvasini within a shorter period.
3. Sprinkling rose-water : The fragrant waves emitted by the rose-water activate the waves of the Deity and purifies the environment, and the suvasini who sprinkles it gets greater benefit of the activated Sagun Principle of the Deity.
4. Offering a gift : A gift offered is always supported by the end of the pallu of the sari. Offering a gift to another suvasini amounts to surrendering to the divinity in her, through sacrifice of body, mind and wealth. Giving support of the end of pallu of the sari means leaving attachment to even the clothes worn on the body and thus learning to overcome body awareness. Since the period of sankranti is favourable for sadhana, a gift given during this period pleases the Deities quickly and they bestow the donor suvasini with the desired fruit.

Small mud pots

The festival of Sankranti requires small mud pots called sugad (in the Marathi language). Vermilion and turmeric powder is applied to the pots and a thread is tied to them. They are filled with carrots, jujube fruits, sugarcane pieces, pods, cotton, chickpeas, sesame seeds with jaggery, vermilion, turmeric etc. Five pots are placed on a wooden seat, rangoli is drawn around the seat and worshipped. Of these, three are gifted to married women, one is offered to the tulsi plant and one is retained.

Use of sesame seeds

Maximum use of sesame seeds is made during Sankranti festival. For example, bathing with water containing sesame seeds and eating and distributing tilgul (a sweet made from sesame seeds), offering sesame to Brahmans, lighting lamps of sesame oil in a temple of Shri Shiva and performing pitrushraddh (rite for the departed ancestors) in which an offering of sesame seeds is made.

Importance of sesame seeds

Using sesame seeds eliminates sins : As per Hindu scriptures, on this day those who apply sesame seed oil and utane to the body, bathe in water mixed with sesame seeds, drink water mixed with sesame seeds, perform a sacrificial fire, make an offering of sesame seeds and make similar use of sesame seeds, are liberated of all sins.

Importance according to Ayurved:

Since Sankranti falls in winter, consuming sesame seeds is beneficial.

Importance according to Spirituality:

1. Since sesame seeds have a greater ability to absorb and emit sattva frequencies, consuming tilgul helps improve spiritual practice. Distributing tilgul to one another results in an exchange of the sattva component.
2. Using sesame seeds in shraddh prevents demons from bringing obstacles during the rite.

Culture & Festivities
This festival is celebrated differently in different parts of the country.

Uttar Pradesh
In Uttar Pradesh, Sankranti is called ‘Khichiri’. Taking a dip in the holy rivers on this day is regarded as most auspicious. A big one-month long ‘Magha-Mela’ fair begins at Prayag (Allahabad) on this occasion. Apart from Triveni, ritual bathing also takes place at many places like Haridvar and Garh Mukteshwar in Uttar Pradesh, and Patna in Bihar.

In Bengal every year a very big Mela is held at Ganga Sagar where the river Ganga is believed to have dived into the nether region and vivified the ashes of the sixty thousand ancestors of King Bhagirath. This mela is attended by a large number of pilgrims from all over the country.

Tamil Nadu
In Tamil Nadu Sankranti is known by the name of ‘Pongal’, which takes its name from the surging of rice boiled in a pot of milk, and this festival has more significance than even Diwali. It is very popular particularly amongst farmers. Rice and pulses cooked together in ghee and milk is offered to the family deity after the ritual worship. In essence in the South this Sankrantiis a ‘Puja’ (worship) for the Sun God.

Andhra Pradesh

In Andhra Pradesh, it is celebrated as a three-day harvest festival Pongal. It is a big event for the people of Andhra Pradesh. The Telugus like to call it ‘Pedda Panduga’ meaning big festival. The whole event lasts for four days, the first day Bhogi, the second day Sankranti, the third day Kanuma and the fourth day, Mukkanuma.

In Karnataka, the festival is marked by visiting one’s friends and relatives to exchange greetings, and by the preparation of a dish called Ellu (made with sesame seeds, coconuts, sugar blocks, etc). A common custom found across Karnataka is the exchange of sugarcane pieces and Ellu with one’s neighbors, friends and relatives. In Karnataka, Pongal is known as ‘Sankranti’, and cows and bullocks are gaily decorated and fed ‘Pongal’- a sweet preparation of rice. Special prayers are offered. In the evening, the cattle are led out in procession to the beat of drums and music. In the night a bonfire is lit and the animals are made to jump over the fire.

Makar Sankranti is marked by men, women and children wearing colorful clothing; visiting near and dear ones; and exchanging pieces of sugarcane, a mixture of fried til, molasses, pieces of dry coconut, peanuts and fried gram. On this auspicious day, people in Karnataka distribute Yellu and bella (Sesame seeds and Jaggery) and greet with the words ” “Ellu bella thindu, Olle Maathu Aadu” (Eat sesame seeds and speak only good). The significance of this exchange is that sweetness should prevail in all the dealings.

In Maharashtra on the Sankranti day people exchange multi-colored tilguds made from til (sesame seeds) and sugar and til-laddus made from til and jaggery. Til-polis are offered for lunch. While exchanging tilguls as tokens of goodwill people greet each other saying – ‘til-gul ghya, god god bola’ meaning ‘accept these tilguls and speak sweet words’. The under-lying thought in the exchange of tilguls is to forget the past ill-feelings and hostilities and resolve to speak sweetly and remain friends.

This is a special day for the women in Maharashtra when married women are invited for a get-together called ‘Haldi-Kumkum’ and given gifts of any utensil, which the woman of the house purchases on that day. Hindus wear ornaments made of ‘Halwa’ on this day.

In Gujarat Sankranti is observed more or less in the same manner as in Maharashtra but with a difference that in Gujarat there is a custom of giving gifts to relatives. The elders in the family give gifts to the younger members of the family. The Gujarati Pundits on this auspicious day grant scholarships to students for higher studies in astrology and philosophy. This festival thus helps the maintenance of social relationships within the family, caste and community.

In Punjab where December and January are the coldest months of the year, huge bonfires are lit on the eve of Sankranti and which is celebrated as “LOHARI”. Sweets, sugarcane and rice are thrown in the bonfires, around which friends and relatives gather together. The following day, which is Sankrant, is celebrated as MAGHI. The Punjabi’s dance their famous Bhangra dance till they get exhausted. Then they sit down and eat the sumptuous food that is specially prepared for the occasion.

The 40 days anushthana by the devotees of Ayyappa ends on this day in Sabarimala with a big festival.

In Bundelkhand and Madhya Pradesh this festival of Sankranti is known by the name ‘Sakarat’ and is celebrated with great pomp & merriment accompanied by lot of sweets.

Tribals of Orissa
Many tribals in our country start their New Year from the day of Sankranti by lighting bonfires, dancing and eating their particular dishes sitting together. The Bhuya tribals of Orissa have their Maghyatra in which small home-made articles are put for sale.

In Assam, the festival is celebrated as Bhogali Bihu.

Coastal Region
In the coastal regions, it is a harvest festival dedicated to Indra.